“For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.” (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)
Dear Kip & Family,
What an incredible weekend of joyful fellowship in Johannesburg!! On Friday we welcomed Drs. Carol & Tania Nhavoto from Mozambique and Patrick & Brendah Chona from Zambia as we sang “We Love You With the Love of the LORD!”. Patrick’s wife, Brendah, who is currently studying the Bible, shared that she “had never seen this type of love before in her life!” She was literally holding back tears!
A joyful welcome for Patrick and Brendah at the airport!
Patrick, the “troublemaker of Lusaka,” with his newlywed bride, Brendah!
Drs. Tânia and Carol – sisters twice over!
On Saturday, the Joburg saints met at Huddle Park for our 1st Annual 5k Run4Missions! Please pray for us as we have already reached 80% of our goal as we prepare to blow it out on November 28th and plant Kampala, Uganda next year!
Ready to crank out the 5k!
Everyone kept their “sustained fired-up-ed-ness” (Michael Williamson ) as the LORD held back the rain and the clouds broke for a beautiful sunshine at our finish!️
On Sunday, the joy from the Run4Missions spilled over into our first in-person Worship Service at the beautiful Glenhove Events Center! Patrick, a talented singer in the former fellowship and currently in the secular world, sang, “Siyabonga” with a Zambian dance twist! Patrique shared with tears for Communion about how April Baker’s example through pain imitated the heart of Jesus, and Jacques & Jeanette Groenewald reminded us of the sacrifice of Moses to give his best to God through their move from England back to South Africa for the mission!
The LORD blessed us with 56 souls (37 disciples) in attendance and 6 children!
A dear friend, Dr. Joshua Awesome, has finally decided to study the Bible with me as he sees the truth of daily discipleship instead of religiosity! He sent me his quiet time today!
A special time together with a special couple!
Although Brendah needs more time before she is ready to be baptized, she is now more eager and grateful after meeting the sisters and seeing the fellowship than ever before! As a parting gift, Patrique and I inscribed Bibles for her and Patrick, as well as the First Principles booklet, Proven Genuine, and the Chronicles Book to strengthen their convictions and inspire other remnant to join God’s new movement!
Please pray for the Chonas and the future planting of Lusaka, Zambia – God willing by Tolani (far right) & Kate Abiodun in 2024!
As we drove to the airport today, my brother Patrick said it best, “This is DEFINITELY” the church I was baptized in!!”
In Lagos, the LORD continues to unite precious families as the saints there witnessed the baptism of Celestina Nwuju, the mother of 3 disciples in the Lagos church!
Celestina (center) rejoices with the Lagos sisters!
Celestina with her children (Chuks, Dozie and Muna) – all united in the LORD!
Celestina is a modern-day “Lydia,” as she runs her own shipping company despite being a widow. She started studying five months ago, but stopped and then resumed recently! She is the 6th baptism of the Lagos Church this month, and they are eager and ready for more!!
In DC, the LORD gave them another special campus baptism and the recognition of being “The Best Church in DC!” This is STILL the year of “Mountain-Moving Faith,” and the Spirit is guiding us powerfully! . Please pray for us to reap MUCH fruit as we focus on pleasing the LORD!
Much love,